Top Five Bookish Resolutions/Goals for 2018!

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It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list created by The Broke and the Bookish, but is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is:


So, I’ve already shared some of my bookish goals for 2018, because of that, I’ve decided to only list a top 5 today. Now that 2018 is actually here, I feel like I have a lot more clarity of what I want to do when it comes to books and blogging! Okay, here we go:

1. Focus more on quality instead of quanity.

I want to focus less on the number of books read, and more on the quality.  There are a lot of large books that I’ve put off reading just so I can read and finish shorter books quicker, and I need to stop that.  If I want to read a short book, I should read it.  If I want to read a H U G E book, I should read it – and without worrying about how many books I’m completing.

2. Host my own event.

I’m super excited to be hosting my own Classics Challenge (which look out for the announcement later this week)! I don’t know if anyone will actually participate with me, but that’s okay.  I think it’ll be a neat experience either way, and it will help me complete my next reading resolution which is…

3. Read more classics.

In middle school and high school, I really didn’t enjoy reading classics.  However, now that I’ve gotten older, I’ve really come to appreciate them!  They sometimes take a little longer to read, but I really do enjoy many classics, and would love to incorporate more of them in my reading life.

4. Finish some series.

I have a really bad habit of starting book series, and then never finishing them!  So, in 2018, I want to actually finish, or at least make progress, in some of the many book series that I have started reading, but haven’t finished yet.

5. Bookstagram more.

I love the Bookstagram community!  It’s so much fun to take book photos, as well as to see everyone’s creative photos and love of books.  This year, I want to post more on my bookstagram.  In the past few months, I haven’t posted as consistently as I would like, and so I’d really like to change that.  I already have a few creative ideas I’m working on, and I just want that to continue throughout the year!

Those are some of my bookish resolutions! Tell me about yours in the comments!

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14 Comments on “Top Five Bookish Resolutions/Goals for 2018!

  1. Like you, I really want to be a more consistent bookstagrammer! I’ve done bookstagrams in the past few years but I want to be more thoughtful in my posts this year. And I also want to incorporate my bookstagrams on my blog, since WordPress allows Instagram to be embedded.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree! Some of my posts, I am really honestly, proud of, and others I think could use more work. I want to make more posts that I’m actually proud of. Incorporating into your blog is a great idea! ☺️👍🏼


      • Figuring out how to do all the features on WordPress can be so tricky!! I have to Google everything 😂

        To embed one specific Instagram photo on a post, all you have to do is copy and paste the picture’s link. To embed Instagram on your actual blog (like in the sidebar like mine), go to where you can design and format your blog, click on the widgets section, select where you want your widget to go, click add new widget, and then a list of available widgets will pop up and if you scroll through, you should find Instagram. Then just log in with your IG info. Hopefully that helps a little?!


      • I have my Instagram on my sidebar, that’s good. And oooh…I will have to chech that out. I have added photos before but never my Instagram link. Thanks for the helpers 🙂 And yes, I know I should look up some tutorials too.

        Liked by 1 person

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