the calico books


Hello and happy October 1st!  October is such a fun and beautiful time of year.  I especially love reading mysterious, spooky, and atmospheric books around this time.  The past couple of months, I’ve been in a bit of reading slump, but that’s pretty much over now.  I have so many books I’m hoping to get to this month, and I’m planning on participating in two different readathons: the Hocus Pocus Readathon, which… Read More

Hello everyone! I’m back from an unexpected and unplanned hiatus!  The first half of November has been so busy and school has been so overwhelming, when I have free time I haven’t felt like reading or blogging very much.  That being said, I’m ready to start blogging and reading more again despite my busy-ness! So, here I am wrapping up October halfway through November, lol. Okay, so overall, October was a pretty… Read More

Hey everyone! Well, the Sbooktober Readathon is officially over, and Halloween day is almost here.  Last Sunday, I shared my TBR and now it’s time for me to wrap up how this readathon went for me! Unfortunately, I didn’t get everything on my TBR read.  But, this week was pretty busy for me, so I’m not surprised at all.  But that’s okay, because readathons are just supposed to be fun! 🙂 Alrighty, here’s… Read More

Hey everyone, and welcome to the first day of Blogtober! In case you missed my announcement, I’m participating in Blogtober and Blogoween, which means you can expect a new post from me every single day during the month of October. To start things off, today I’m going to be sharing some of the books I hope to get through this month.  I don’t typically have set, monthly TBR’s, but because it is… Read More

Hey everyone! Today, I’m so excited to officially announce that I’ll be participating in both Blogtober AND Blogoween this October.  I admit, I feel a bit intimidated by all of this, but I really think this will be so fun, and I cannot wait for October to begin now! Now, you may be wondering, What is Blogtober and Blogoween?  Basically, both events are all about celebrating blogging, autumn, and Halloween the whole month… Read More

Hello! October is over, and November is halfway over (which is freaking me out since it feels like it just started yesterday), so it is definitely time to share with you all what I was up to last month! In October, I read 5 books! BOOKS READ IN OCTOBER – Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle (library) \\ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Regal Hearts: Episode 1 by Livy Jarmusch (ebook) \\ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – The Haunting of… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is: Halloween Freebie For this week, I’ve decided to share ten books that actually take place during October/Halloween! So many Halloween recommendations feature scary books – which are great – but a lot of them happen throughout the year.  Sometimes, I want to read a book that actually takes place in the month of October, to really… Read More

Hey everyone!  So, I wanted to let you all know that I’m going to be participating in the Halloween Read-A-Thon hosted by Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews.  I love Halloween! I think it is such a fun holiday, and I absolutely love reading spooky, atmospheric books in October, and so when I saw this read-a-thon, I just knew I had to participate!  Be sure and check out Lauren’s blog to get all of the details!… Read More