Summerathon TBR!


Hello! Friday, June 21st, is the official first day of summer.  To celebrate, Amy @ A Court of Crowns and Quills, Jen @ Pinot and Pages, Heather @ Bookables, Aimee @ Aimee Reads, and Melanie @ Meltotheany are hosting the ultimate, summer readathon!  I’ve been wanting a very relaxed and summery readathon for quite a while now, so when I found out about theirs, I just knew I was going to participate.  The readathon runs from June 21st through June 27th.  To find out more, each of the hosts have talked about the readathon on their blogs and channels.  There’s also an official Summerathon Instagram!

Today, I’m going to be sharing my TBR for the readathon.  So, let’s just jump right into it! 🎉📚☀

Altogether, there are six challenges!

Beachy Read

no ocean too wide summerathon

For a beachy read, I’ve decided to go with No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky.  While, this one is a little bit of a stretch, this book has ocean in the title, and where there are oceans, there are beaches.  So, it works, right?!  Plus, I’m super excited to read this book and I’d like to have it read and reviewed around its release date, which is June 25th!

Sunrise Colors on the Cover


How gorgeous is the cover of Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi?! 😍  Plus, it is filled with all those lovely sunrise colors.  So, I think this one is a great choice for this challenge.  This book has been on my TBR since it was first announced and I’m so excited to finally sit down and read it!

Book with Roadtrip/Traveling or Vacation & Book Set in Summer


For the next two challenges, I decided to combine them and use Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson as the book for these prompts.  This is the only Morgan Matson book that I have not read yet, so I am very eager to finally read this one and hopefully enjoy it as much as I have her other books!  This book sounds like such a great summer read, and can’t wait to dive into this one!

Food on Cover


For the next challenge, I’m using The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay.  I bought this book a couple years ago at a used bookstore, and I just never got around to reading this one.  When I remembered this book featured melted ice cream on the cover, I just knew that this was the book I wanted to use for this challenge.  So, hopefully, I’ll finally be getting around to reading this one! 🎉

Drink Favorite Summer Drink While Reading

The last challenge is one that may happen during every book.  The question is, how many summer drinks can I fit in?!  Lemonade, iced chai, iced matcha, the Starbucks refreshers…the possibilities are endless!

And there you have it! That’s my TBR for the Summerathon!  If you’re participating, let me know what you plan to read.

Also, be sure to follow along with me on Instagram.  I’m planning on posting tons of daily updates there and sharing my progress of how I am doing!

Thanks for reading!


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14 Comments on “Summerathon TBR!

  1. Good luck with your TBR! I love that bathing suit the sunflowers are so pretty. I’m hoping to read The Thorn Birds for summerathon. I picked out a full TBR but I’d be happy with just getting that one read.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! ☺️ And yes, I just bought it and I’m so happy with this bathing suit! Thanks! Ooh good luck! I hope you read and love The Thorn Birds and maybe get to the other books on your tbr, too. Good luck! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cute photos! Loved Sea of Tranquility and Amy & Roger. I’m so jealous right now! I know exactly what I’d try to read but I probably wouldn’t even be able to finish one book bc of how much work I have scheduled.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! ☺️ Yay! That makes me so happy to hear you loved those two. Ugh what a bummer! Usually whenever there’s a readathon, I end up having a super busy week, but surprisingly, this time around I have a slow week coming up. Hopefully next time you’ll be able to join in!


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