Summer Reading Goals 2019!

Summer Reading 2019.png

Hey everyone! It is summertime again! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼Ā  The summer months are my favorite, and it feels so great to be swimming and gardening again.Ā  Today I’ll be sharing with you all my bookish related goals for the summer.Ā  Typically, IĀ count my summer reading from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day ā€“ late May through early September.Ā  So, I’ve already started working towards those goals.

Without further ado, here are my 2019 summer reading goals! šŸŽ‰

1. Read at least 20 books

Reading Rainbow reaction funny dance dancing

This has been my goal for the past couple of summers.Ā  Last year, I read exactly 20 books and the year before I only read 14 or 15.Ā  So, I don’t really want to up my goal any higher this year.Ā  That being said, I’m secretly hoping I’ll get to more than 20.Ā  We shall see, though!

2. Complete my library’s summer reading program

Caroline Huber 90s cartoons nerd library

This is a challenge I do every summer, and this year is no different!Ā  I love utilizing my library, and I love that they have such an inclusive, summer reading program each year.

3. Finally Finish the Count of Monte Cristo

The Simpsons GIF

homer simpson GIF

I started readingĀ The Count of Monte CristoĀ last summer, but once fall came, I got distracted by other books and stopped reading it.Ā  I really was enjoying it, though.Ā  So, it’s my goal is to finally finish that tome!

4. Participate in Bookending Summer 2019

summer reading GIF by noe_design

I’m so excited to be a host again for Bookending Events.Ā  Throughout the entire month of July will be the summer edition of BE Events!Ā  I am looking forward to a great month of blogging all things summer and bookish!

5. Read through the Entire Anne of Green Gables Series

anne of green gables love GIF

I recently started rereadingĀ Anne of Green Gables, and it is just so good! It’s like visiting with an old friend.Ā  So, it’s my goal to continue to read through the rest of the series this summer.Ā  Or, at the very least, get to where I left off at book 6.

6. Participate in a Readathon or Two

read texas am GIF by Texas A&M University

I think readathons are so much fun to participate in.Ā  I especially feel like the summer months make such a perfect time for readathons for me because I’m on summer break from school.Ā  So, I definitely want to participate in some this summer!

Those are all my summer reading goals!Ā  What are some of yours?

Thanks for reading!

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10 Comments on “Summer Reading Goals 2019!

  1. I’ve actually never read Anne of Green Gables, but I think this could be perfect for the summer! šŸ˜€ Great goals! Good luck with them all! Mine is to read outdoors more. I usually read in bed, but I want to take a book to the park more often, or on camping trips or to the beach šŸ˜€

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