Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-Up!

dewy's 24 hour readathon (2)

Last Saturday was the semi-annual Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon!  I decided to join in on the fun last minute, and I’m so glad I did, because even though I was busy in the evening and didn’t get to read the whole 24 hours, I still ended up reading so much more than I would have!! 🎉

party games

First, I read 47 pages of Party Games by R. L. Stine.  So far, this book is creepy and cheesy, and there’s everything you would expect in a Fear Street novel. And I’m loving it!


Next, I read Sheets by Brenna Thummler.  This book had so much emotion to it.  I felt things I didn’t realize a graphic novel could make me feel.  I picked this graphic novel up on a whim, and I’m so glad I decided to read it because I really adored this story.


After that, I read Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks.  I was really looking forward to reading this one, and it did not disappoint!  It made such a perfect, festive, October read and I loved it!  It was so cute and fun that I may even read it again within the next couple of days before it’s due back at the library because it was just that good.

city of ghosts

And lastly, I read two chapters of City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab.  I wanted to read more of this one, but by the time I was able to get to it, it was midnight and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I am really enjoying this novel so far, though, and hope to have it finished within the next couple of days.  This book is very atmospheric, and I think it has been such a great book to read so close to Halloween!

Overall, I am very happy with the progress that I made for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – especially considering the amount of time I had available to read.  I really enjoyed myself and am already looking forward to the next one in April!

Let me know if you participated, and if you did, what did you read?

Thanks for reading!


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