the calico books


Waiting on Wednesday/Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature, started by Breaking the Spine and continued by Wishful Endings, that puts the spotlight on upcoming releases!  This week’s pick is: Imposters RELEASING SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2018 Synopsis Set in the Uglies future, a decade after Tally’s revolution has changed everything. As she once said, “Freedom has a way of destroying things.” Impostors is about dealing with the consequences of ending the Pretty Regime. The story starts in a… Read More

Title: The Borrowers by Mary Norton Pages: 180 Genres: Children’s, Fantasy Published by: Harcourt Brace & World (Oct. 8th, 1953) Summary Beneath the kitchen floor is the world of the Borrowers — Pod and Homily Clock and their daughter, Arrietty. In their tiny home, matchboxes double as roomy dressers and postage stamps hang on the walls like paintings. Whatever the Clocks need they simply “borrow” from the “human beans” who live above them. It’s a comfortable life,… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: Top Ten Books I’ve Read in 2018 (So Far)! Okay, so it’s not actually Tuesday anymore, but I’ve been busy the past couple of days and haven’t had time to blog.  Despite that, I still really wanted to do this week’s topic.  So, even though it’s Wednesday, we’re going to pretend it’s still Tuesday…. Read More

Hey everyone! It’s July now, and summer is in full swing!  It’s been super hot lately, which I’ve been loving.  I’ve also had quite a bit of reading time, which has been SO appreciated! Altogether, I read eight books in June, which is quite good for me!  My arm had quite the work out holding all the books up for the picture, lol! BOOKS READ – Sad Perfect by Stephanie Elliot \\ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ –… Read More

Hello!  Today I’m going to be doing the Mid-Year Book Freak Out tag!  I’ve been seeing this tag floating around the past few weeks again, and since we are just about exactly halfway through the year, I figured it would be the perfect time to do it.  So let’s get started! 1. Best Book You’ve Read In 2018, So Far? I’ve read 28 books so far this year and, for the most part, I’ve… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: Book Series I’m Not Giving Up On So, for today’s Top Ten Tuesday, the original topic was supposed to be about book series that I have given up on. That being said, there are actually very few books that I do not have any plans to read.  I do, however, have many book series… Read More

Hello!  Last week I participated in the Cram-A-Thon.  The goal of this readathon was to complete 7 books in a week.  I decided to join last minute (check out my TBR here), so I wasn’t sure how well I was going to do.  That being said, I actually did incredible!?!  While I didn’t manage to read 7 books, I’m still so proud of how much I accomplished! Here’s what I managed to… Read More

Title: Sad Perfect by Stephanie Elliot Pages: 320 Genres: YA, Contemporary Published by: Square Fish (Feb. 28th, 2017) Summary Perfect is only on the surface in this gripping novel about a teen girl who looks normal but struggles with a little known eating disorder.  Sixteen-year-old Pea has a secret: she has Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, which means she can’t eat very much because nutritious foods frighten her. Having ARFID is like having a monster inside of her,… Read More

Hey everyone! Earlier this year, I announced that I was doing a 2018 Classics Challenge.  You can find out all the info about it in my original post, here! Now, my original plan was to share a post for each classic book I read.  Well, so far, I haven’t done that, lol!  So, I’ve decided that I will just update you all with how I’ve been doing so far. So far, I’ve… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: Books That Awaken the Travel Bug in Me Because I’m busy with the Cramathon this week, though, today it’s going to just be a top five! Just One Day I have a feeling Just One Day will be on a lot of people’s lists today! From Paris, to London, to Amsterdam, this book involves so many… Read More