the calico books


It’s Top Ten Tuesday!  TTT a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: Ten Books I’d Like To Spring Clean Off My TBR!

Friends!! It’s March! That means spring is just around the corner. It’s also my birthday month! March has always a been a month of reflection for me, but with it coming up to the year mark that most of the world has been on lockdown, this March feels extra…momentous? So much has changed in my life from last March. I’m really hoping this one will be kinder to us all this year…. Read More

Happy 2020!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  I’m really looking forward to this year and am hopeful that I will read soo many books this year.  To kick things off, I’ve decided to participate in the VSCO Girls Readathon!  This is a super fun readathon hosted by several different people.  You can get all the details on the official Twitter, here!