Pagesathon TBR!

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Hey everyone! I know I’ve been quiet on here the past couple weeks, but I’m working on getting my blogging back into more of a schedule.  By June, I plan to be fully back to my regular blogging schedule.

Anyway, I’m excited to announce that I will be participating in the Pagesathon, hosted by Louisedanielle.reads and the Bookgeekery!  The readathon runs from May 27th through June 9th.  Today, I’m sharing the books that I hope to get read in these two weeks.  So, here we go!

There are 5 challenges for this readathon.

A Sequel You’ve Been Meaning to Read & One Word Title


I’ve decided to combine these two challenges and use Ringer by Lauren Oliver.  I loved the first book, Replica, and I’m very excited to finally see how everything ends!

A 2019 Release


For a 2019 release, I chose Again, but Better by Christine Riccio!  I’ve watched Christine’s videos for years and I think this book sounds like so much fun.  I’ve been really looking forward to reading and enjoying this one!!

A Book You Might Not Normally Read


The Count of Monte Cristo is a book that I’ve been trying to read since last summer.  I’m only about 200 pages in, but I’m determined to get this book done by June 9th!  It’s not one that I would typically read just because of its size, but I really did enjoy what I read of it, and it is time to finish it!

Read a Graphic Novel

For the final challenge, I’m still deciding what to read.  I don’t typically read graphic novels.  I actually usually only read them for readathon challenges. 😜  So, while I know of a few, I’m still undecided of which to go with.  If you have any graphic novel suggestions, please let me know!!

And there’s my TBR!  Let me know if you’re planning on participating in the #pagesathon or if you’ve read any of the books I’ve listed!

Thanks for reading!

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14 Comments on “Pagesathon TBR!

  1. I read The Count of Monte Cristo earlier this year, so much happens in that book and it really keeps you on your toes the further you get into it. Best of luck during this readathon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. good luck! ❤
    I absolutely love reading challenges, but it seems I never have the right books or the time (which is, unfortunately, the case until the end of June) ):

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Best of luck with this, Theresa! ❤
    The only book I will probably never read is Christine Riccio's, just because I don't particularly care for her as a person (don't like her channel at all) and I've read too many mixed reviews with issues I would be unable to overlook.
    The whole youtuber-turner-writer trend is getting a bit too much in my opinion but I sincerely hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sophie! Everyone has different opinions and preferences and that’s totally ok!!
      I agree, it does seem like now a day’s every YouTuber is getting a book deal. 🙄 That being said, I think it’s kind of nice that actual Booktubers are getting book deals now as opposed to just any random YouTuber who’s only getting one because they’re famous. At least they’re passionate about books. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just my opinion, though! 🙂


      • I agree, not all YouTubers are bad writers! It’s just that most of the ones I’ve seen become really famous were…
        I’m not saying that they won’t improve and write better books one day, I just think it would have been better to wait and work on their stories for a bit longer before publishing. Not everyone can publish a great story right off the bat and that’s totally fine and expected. All great writers take years to finish a book – something none of the YouTubers I’m familiar with did. So the results are obvious.
        I’m certainly not questioning their love for books (most I feel are genuine about that, even if others have become a bit more interested in fame and profit) but there’s a lot of talented people out there who I feel deserved a book deal much more than they did… And simply didn’t have the resources or knew the right people. Just my two cents!
        Yes, of course, and again I really hope you enjoy it 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • I totally understand where you’re coming from! Unfortunately there are a lot of wonderful authors out there who haven’t been published because they don’t know the right people. I agree, that that is a shame.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I agree! Well, this time around I didn’t do as well as I would have liked, but sometimes that happens. I’m actually writing my wrap-up post about the readathon now! So, be sure to stick around and check it out on the blog soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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