the calico books


Hey everyone! It is summertime again! 🙌🏼  The summer months are my favorite, and it feels so great to be swimming and gardening again.  Today I’ll be sharing with you all my bookish related goals for the summer.  Typically, I count my summer reading from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day – late May through early September.  So, I’ve already started working towards those goals. Without further ado, here are my 2019 summer… Read More

Hey everyone! Well, summer has officially come to a close, so I thought it was finally time to share with you all how my summer reading plans went.  In the beginning of summer, I shared some of my reading goals.  You can check out that post here. Well, how did I do? Let’s find out: 1. READ AT LEAST 20 BOOKS | ✔ Between Memorial Day and Labor Day (which is what… Read More

Hey everyone!  Summertime is officially upon us!  It has been super hot all week, and I’ve been loving being able to go swimming and taking care of my garden.  I just love summer!  Today, I’ve decided to share with you all my summer reading goals for 2018.  Some of them will be the same from last year, and others will be new.  Like always, I count my summer reading from approximately Memorial… Read More

Hello!  It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted, and I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long.  I hadn’t planned on taking a blogging break, but it just sort of happened, and I went with it.  Lately, I haven’t been reading as much, and thus, I haven’t had as much to blog about, so I just decided not to push myself to post, and took a mini, unplanned, unexpected hiatus.  The… Read More

Hey everyone!  Today I wanted to share with you all what I read for this year’s Hedgeathon.  The Hedgeathon is an annual summer read-a-thon hosted by the lovely Natalie from The Hedgie Press.  I participated last year, and had such a blast, so I was really excited for The Hedgeathon this year.  Unfortunately, I didn’t complete the challenge this year, but that’s okay, because the books I did read, I ended up… Read More

It’s that time of year again!  The sun is shining, gardens are growing, the pool is open…It’s summertime!  I absolutely love the summer months.  So, today I thought I’d share my reading goals for Summer 2017!  Also, just to be clear I generally count my “summer reading” from Memorial Day to Labor Day – late May through early September. 1. Read at Least 20 Books Last year my summer reading goal was… Read More

Hey everyone!  So, in the beginning of summer I wrote a post telling you all about my reading goals for the summer.  Well, since summer 2016 is over now (*sad face*), I thought I’d look back at my goals and see which ones I accomplished, and which goals I need to work on for next summer! 1. Read at least 15 books I diiiid it!! From Memorial Day to Labor Day I… Read More

This summer I participated in Books and Quills’ Hedgeathon Summer Reading Challenge.  I had so much fun, and just narrowly finished it (I didn’t think I was going to make it there for a while…I’m not even gonna lie, I finished my last book for this challenge at 11:55 PM on July 31st…*phew*)! The challenge was to read a book related to at least 8 of these prompts (the ones I read… Read More