the calico books


Hello and Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans! 🎆  Today is also my first day as a host for Bookending Summer 2019. I am so excited to be hosting for the next four days!  I loved being a host last spring, and I just know that this time is going to be even better. 😁 Today’s prompt is inspired by the fact that today is the 4th of July.  I’ll be… Read More

Title: Ready or Not (All-American Girl #2) by Meg Cabot Pages: 238 Genres: YA, Romance, Contemporary Published by: HarperCollins (Aug. 1, 2005) Summary Top ten things Samantha Madison isn’t ready for: 10. Spending Thanksgiving at Camp David 9. With her boyfriend, the president’s son 8. Who appears to want to take their relationship to the Next Level 7. Which Sam inadvertently and shockingly announces live on MTV 6. While appearing to support the president’s dubious policies on… Read More

Title: All American- Girl by Meg Cabot Pages: 398 Genres: YA, Contemporary, Chick-Lit, Humor Published by: Harper Teen (June 7th, 2002) Summary Samantha Madison is an average, cool Washington, D.C., teen: She loves Gwen Stefani (who doesn’t?), can draw like nobody’s business, and enjoys being opposite to her sister’s annoying ultra-social personality. But when she ditches art class one day, she doesn’t expect to be jumping on the back of a wannabe presidential assassin. Soon the young… Read More