the calico books


Hi friends! Today I’m back with my April wrap-up, and in true Theresa fashion, we’re already halfway through May.  Will I ever post a wrap-up on time? Who knows! Stay tuned…😂 As you all can probably guess from my lack of blog posts last month, I didn’t have a great reading month either.  I ended up only reading two books.  I realize that’s still two books to celebrate, but I was hoping… Read More

t’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: Books on my Spring TBR Oh boy! This week, it was so hard to narrow it down to just 10 books!  My TBR is so full, and I just wish I could read all the books right now!  So, here are 10 books that I really, really want to read this spring! Illuminae I’ve… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: TOP TEN BOOKS ON MY TBR I STILL HAVEN’T READ The Sweet Far Thing Are any of you even the tiniest bit surprised that this book is on here?! No? I thought so! If you’ve been following for any amount of time, you know pretty much every TBR post I make, I include The Sweet… Read More