the calico books


Hey everyone! I know I’m a few days late, but today I’m going to be sharing some of the books I’m hoping to read this month!  Last month, I didn’t finish as many books as I would have hoped, so I have some pretty high hopes for February.  I don’t always set monthly TBR’s, but I’ve decided to try it out for a while and see how it goes. 🙂

Hello! Can you even believe that 2018 is just about over?! That is so wild to me!  This year was filled with some major ups and downs.  That being said, I am hopeful that 2019 will be an amazing year. 🙂 Today I decided to the End of the Year book tag. I discovered this tag over at Pretty Purple Polka Dots by Aoife! Okay, here we go: Best book you’ve read… Read More

Waiting on Wednesday/Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature, started by Breaking the Spine and continued by Wishful Endings, that puts the spotlight on upcoming releases!  This week’s pick is: Romanov RELEASING MAY 7TH, 2019 SYNOPSIS From the author of Fawkes comes a magical take on the story of Anastasia Romanov. The history books say I died. They don’t know the half of it. Anastasia “Nastya” Romanov was given a single mission: to smuggle an… Read More

Title: The Christmas Remedy by Cindy and Erin Woodsmall Genres: Christian, Christmas, Amish, Romance Published by: Waterbrook Press (Oct. 23rd, 2018) Summary When an Old Order Amish woman takes a job at a small-town pharmacy struggling to survive in a world of “big box” stores, her motive is to help her Plain community. But the advent of the holiday season brings an unusual mystery to the surface–and possibly love. Twenty-four-year-old Holly Zook lives a unique life… Read More

Hello!!  So, I totally meant to have this posted on Thanksgiving.  I thought it would be the absolute perfect thing for my blog since it is the day where celebrate and share what we are thankful for.  However, November was an absolute crazy month for me, and I never got the chance to do it.  So, here I am, doing the Give Thanks for All the Great Reads book tag now!  I… Read More

Hello everyone!  I am so excited for the books I plan on reading this month! Christmas is my favorite time of year, and so December is going to be filled with holiday-themed reads.  I’ve also decided to participate in the ‘TisTheSeasonAthon – which starts today, December 3rd, and runs through the 9th – and the ClassicsAThon, which runs through the entire month of December.  Because everything was starting all around the same time,… Read More

Countdown to Christmas is back!  If you’re new(ish) to my blog, Countdown to Christmas is a weekly feature where I recommend a different Christmas-y book each week to read this holiday season.  This is the third year I’ve been doing this, and it’s now time to share my first pick for the 2018 holiday season! To start things off, my first pick for 2018 is Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. Imagine a year without… Read More

It’s Top Ten Tuesday again!  It’s a weekly bookish list hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is: TOP TEN BOOKS TO READ FOR HALLOWEEN Tomorrow is Halloween!  In honor of that, I’m going to be sharing ten of my favorite books that I think are perfect to read for Halloween.  I like the books that I read in October to be atmospheric, festive, and mysterious, and all ten of the books… Read More

Hey everyone! Well, the Sbooktober Readathon is officially over, and Halloween day is almost here.  Last Sunday, I shared my TBR and now it’s time for me to wrap up how this readathon went for me! Unfortunately, I didn’t get everything on my TBR read.  But, this week was pretty busy for me, so I’m not surprised at all.  But that’s okay, because readathons are just supposed to be fun! 🙂 Alrighty, here’s… Read More

It’s time for another Blogtober Book Quote!  Today I’m back with another Ray Bradbury quote, but this time it’s from his widely famous novel, Fahrenheit 451!  I absolutely love this book, and this particular quote describes the atmosphere of autumn so incredibly well. The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion… Read More