the calico books


Okay, so last week I shared with you all my TBR for the Spookathon.  Well, now that the readathon is over, and I’ve moved onto Sbooktober, I thought I’d share how this readathon turned out for me!

In honor of the recent release of Hester Fox’s debut novel, The Witch of Willow Hall, today I’m sharing with you all my thoughts about the book as well as how you can have the chance to win a copy, plus a fun and festive prize pack! Title: The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox Pages: 368 Genre: Historical Fiction Published by: Harlequin’s Graydon House Books (Oct. 2nd, 2018) Summary Two centuries after the Salem witch trials,… Read More

Waiting on Wednesday/Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature, started by Breaking the Spine and continued by Wishful Endings, that puts the spotlight on upcoming releases!  This week’s pick is: Two Can Keep a Secret RELEASING JANUARY 8TH, 2019 Synopsis The New York Times bestselling author of One of Us Is Lying, Karen M. McManus, is back with an all-new, page-turning mystery perfect for fans of Riverdale! Echo Ridge is small-town America. Ellery’s never been there, but she’s… Read More

Hey everyone!  So, I wasn’t planning on participating in the Spookathon this year, because I was already been planning on doing the Sbooktober readathon, and I just didn’t know if I would be up for two readathons back-to-back.  That being said, I feel like I’ve really been lacking with my reading this month, and I’ve decided maybe back-to-back readathons are just what I need!  So, I’m going for it! The Spookathon started yesterday,… Read More

Title: Sunrise Cabin by Stacey Donovan Pages: 346 Genres: Romance, Contemporary Published by: Hallmark Publishing (Sept. 16th, 2018) Summary Two very different people… One very special place. Dylan’s an overworked investment banker. Paige is a free-spirited first-grade teacher. From the first time they meet, these two opposites attract. Meanwhile, the cabin Paige is renting has gone up for sale. She loves living there, and she just might be able to buy it—if she finally achieves her dream… Read More

Hello and happy Sunday! I just realized we are officially a week into October, so I thought it was time for me to do my September wrap-up.  September was a bit of a slower month for me, blogging and reading wise, because school was kicking my booty.  Luckily, I’m more into the swing of things now, and I’ve started to have a bit more time to read and blog again! So, overall,… Read More

Title: The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton Pages: 400 Genres: Mystery, Magical Realism Published by: Ecco Press (Aug. 26th, 2014) Summary Set in seventeenth century Amsterdam–a city ruled by glittering wealth and oppressive religion–a masterful debut steeped in atmosphere and shimmering with mystery, in the tradition of Emma Donoghue, Sarah Waters, and Sarah Dunant. “There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed . . .” On a brisk autumn day in 1686, eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman arrives in… Read More

Hello! Today for Blogtober/Blogween, I’m going to be sharing my answers for the Halloween Creatures 2.0 book tag. I was tagged by Jessica @ Reading with Jessica and Mandy @ Devouring Books.  So, a huge thank you to the both of them for thinking of me! 🤗🎃 Alright, let’s get started! Rules: Answer all prompts. Answer honestly. Tag 1-13 people. Link back to this post. Remember to credit the creator. (Anthony @… Read More

Waiting on Wednesday/Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature, started by Breaking the Spine and continued by Wishful Endings, that puts the spotlight on upcoming releases!  This week’s pick is: Every Breath RELEASING OCTOBER 16th, 2018 Synopsis In the romantic tradition of The Notebook and Nights in Rodanthe, #1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a story about a chance encounter that becomes a touchstone for two vastly different individuals — transcending decades, continents, and the bittersweet… Read More

Hey everyone, and welcome to the first day of Blogtober! In case you missed my announcement, I’m participating in Blogtober and Blogoween, which means you can expect a new post from me every single day during the month of October. To start things off, today I’m going to be sharing some of the books I hope to get through this month.  I don’t typically have set, monthly TBR’s, but because it is… Read More